
Come relax and spend some time with us. Clear your head and learn what God, friends, and life are all about. For questions, or to RSVP please contact Jamie Park. Make sure to join CMU IVCF on discord to get the latest updates!

Philly Missions

Each year we partner with InterFellowship Association in order to minister and witness to the Kensington community in Philadelphia during Spring break (Mar 5 - Mar 11). We are in person this year, but notably, outreach will be in the afternoon and VBS in the evening. Stay updated for more information!

Labor Day Trip

Monday, Sep 5
Ohiopyle State Park
Meet at Morewood Carpark

Enjoy Labor day with friends exploring God’s creation. Take a trip with us to Ohiopyle, PA, and enjoy waterfalls, short hikes, creeking, and a picnic lunch on us.